Interference Journal Retired


Interference Submission Guidelines PDF
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Interference Submission Guidelines

Interference balances its content between academic and practice based research and therefore accepts proposals for both academic papers and accounts of practice based research. In addition to academic papers we encourage authors to submit accompanying media where appropriate.

Paper Submissions

Interference now publishes thematic and general issues. A call for papers is released before each special issue. Proposals are invited first by abstract to editor@interferencejournal.  Following submission of an abstract, successful proposals will be invited to develop a full paper from the submitted application with a view to publication. Ongoing submissions can also be made by abstract to

Editorial Procedures

Authors should be mindful that acceptance of an abstract proposal does not constitute a guarantee to publish the full paper. Interference is a peer-reviewed journal and articles considered for publication are read by two specialist readers, as well as by the editor. Interference uses a double blind peer review method: authors will not be informed of the identity of their reviewers and reviewers will be unaware of the identity of the author. Interference does not publish previously published material except in translation. Interference aims to inform potential contributors of a decision within three months of their submission.

Decisions by the Editor are final. Once accepted, it can take up to 6 months for an essay to be published. Interference issues are thematic. In the case that a proposal is not suitable for a particular issue but is of high quality, the board may contact the author with view to publication at a later date.

Publishing Guidelines

On acceptance of essay for publication, the author will receive a formal email of acceptance.
It is the author’s role to obtain the original illustrations and copyright permission for both illustrative and written material.

Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution, in educational and other non-commercial settings. Copyright restrictions may apply to the use of any images or rich media contained within the articles.

Creative Commons License
Articles are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.